All This Hair, So Little Time; A Regular Girl’s Wash and Go

Although I’ve been natural for 2.5 years, I do not claim to be a natural hair expert. But I do get a lot of questions about what products I use in my hair.  I decided to do a short post about what products I use and how I manage my hair.

Wash, Condition, Deep Condition:

First things first, I wash/co-wash, condition, and deep condition my hair while in the shower. I test out different brands, but I do have a few favorites: As I am co-wash, Aussie Moist conditioner, and Eden Body Works deep conditioner. wet hair

As-I-Am-Coconut-Cowash-Cleansing-Conditioner-16-Ounce-4aussie moisteden-bodyworks-jojoba-deep-conditioner


Once my hair is washed and conditioned, I section my hair into four sections and detangle them using a wide-tooth comb. Once my hair is detangled I moisturize it using the LOC method.

The L.O.C Method (Leave-in, Oil, and Cream)




oilcurl cream


Again, I don’t always use the same products but these are some of my favorites: Eden Body Works leave-in conditioner, Manelove Seal the Deal Avocado Mint Oil (I love this stuff!), and Shea Moistures Kids Curling Butter Cream.  Be sure to check out other Manelove products!  They are 100% natural and hand made! ManLove <~click the link!!


With my hair in sections, I first apply a liberal amount of leave-in conditioner to each section.  Next I seal in all the moisture by applying oil to each section. I finish off with the curl cream.


Once the moisture is locked in, I make sure my curls are defined.  I do this by using my Denman brush. I basically brush sections of my hair, making sure the products are evenly distributed  throughout my hair. Watch those curls pop!


Something Extra:

When I want my hair more defined and less frizzy, I use a gel or curling custard.  As I said before I do not always use the same brand.  Some of my favorites are Hello Tight Curly Gel, As I Am Curl Jelly, and Eco Styler Gel.



Hurry Up and Dry:

During the summer I like to let my hair air dry.  When it’s too cold I bring out the blow dryer! I blow dry my hair on the warm setting using the diffuser attachment (to keep my hair from getting frizzy).


All Done!


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